About Chris Castanes

Introducing his newest book, “Nearly Motivated”

The follow up book on sales from the author of “You’re Going To Be Great At This!”, with more great sales insights that can help sales veterans and those new in the business to be more successful. Filled with examples and more humorous “Dumb Stories”, the author offers more insights on how to find prospects, handle a sales meeting, closing a deal and other pieces of information to those in sales, as well as business owners and “self employed” people.

“You’re Going To Be Great At This: A Sales Memoir”

A short, irreverent book that gives the good, bad and ugly of a career in selling. This is the little book on sales you’ll wish you had when you started!
Chronicling a career in sales from childhood to present day, “You’re Going To Be Great At This!” describes the good, bad, great and crazy in the world of sales.

  • Do you want to get your message to the masses?
  • Wouldn’t you like to know how to make a networking event work efficiently for you?
  • Do you need help keeping your head in the game?
  • How is selling like dating?

Chris Castanes is a humorous sales speaker who can be a great fit for your next event, meeting or conference.

You're going to be great at this!Whether you are a seller or a buyer, this book is for you!
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